Festival of Architecture BINA Belgrade
Belgrade International Architecture Week (BINA) was established as a festival that encourages and promotes intercultural dialogue, trans-national cooperation and mobility in the field of architecture.
From the very beginning the BINA festival established itself as a wide platform for observation and reflection on urban space, with a particular focus on including the broadest possible audience (ranging from professionals and students to children) in processes related to the change and improvement of the environment. Since the very beginning in 2006, the festival has presented a great number of experts and creatives, enabling a rich exchange of ideas and experiences, and providing a link between the dynamic practices of Europe and Serbia.

Authors and Founders of BINA

Tanja Damljanovic Conley
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Tanja Damljanovic Conley is is Associate Professor at Massachusetts College of Art and Design, teaching History and Theory of Architecture and Urbanism in Boston (USA). Prior to this engagement, she spent more than two decades working in the field of historic preservation at the Republic Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage, Belgrade.
She earned the degrees of Dipl. Eng. of Architecture and the Magister of Technical Sciences from the Architecture Faculty at University of Belgrade, Master of Fine Arts in the field of art history and theory from Central European University in Prague and the PhD degree from Cornell University, USA. She is the president Do.co.mo.mo Serbia. Her recent publications include: “Capital Cities in the Aftermath of Empires: Planning in Central and Southeastern Europe” (Routledge 2010), “Conceptualizing National Architectures: Architectural Histories and National Ideologies among the South Slavs” in Nationalism and Architecture (Ashgate, 2012), “Urban Architectures in Interwar Yugoslavia” (Routledge, 2020) and “The backdrop of Serbian Statehoods: morphing faces of the National Assembly in Belgrade” in Belgrade and Beyond: Reading the Nation through Serbian Cityscapes (The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity, Vol 41, 2013).

Jelena Ivanović Vojvodić
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Jelena Ivanović Vojvodić graduated and received her PhD from the Faculty of Architecture University of Belgrade. Her professional work comprises over 30 completed buildings, interiors and plans, some of them have been awarded the highest professional awards. She is one of the founders and authors of the the Belgrade International Architecture Week (BINA).
She is a member of the Serbian Association of Architects, Do.co.mo.mo Serbia, the Serbian Chamber of Engineers and the Association of Women Architects (ŽAD). She had worked at the Faculty for Art and Design, University Megatrend as a full professor and dean. Founder of the BiroVIA–Vojvodić Ivanović arhitects from 2007. together with proffesor Goran Vojvodić.

Danica Jovović Prodanović
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Danica Jovović Prodanović graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Belgrade. From 1991 to 1995, she worked at the Institute for Architecture and Urban Planning of Serbia (IAUS); from 1995 to 2009, she was employed at the Cultural Centre of Belgrade, and in the period from 1997 to 2009 she was a Director of the Centre; while from 2009 to 2014, she held the post of Director of the Belgrade City Museum.
Since 2014, she has been working at the Cultural Centre of Belgrade as a Program Editor. She was decorated with the Order of the Knights medal from the French Order of Arts and Letters. She is a member of the Serbian Association of Architects and Do.co.mo.mo Serbia.
photocredit Maja Medić

Ivan Kucina
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Ivan Kucina graduated at the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Belgrade, where he started teaching architecture design in 1996. He joined Dessau International Architecture School in 2013. His research is focused on the informal building strategies and autoregulated processes of transformation of Western Balkans cities in post-socialist period.
He is a member of the Association of Belgrade Architects and the Association of Arts and Crafts Artists of Serbia.

Darko Marušić
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Darko Marušić (1940–2017) graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at Belgrade University in 1965. From 1966 to 1973 he worked in the Institute for Architecture and Urbanism Serbia, and 1973-2005 at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade, first as a teaching assistant, then docent, associate and finally as full professor.
Since 2005 he was retired, but engaged in teaching at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture in Niš. He was a member of the Academy of Architecture Serbia, regular member of the Academy of Engineering Sciences Serbia, the Association of Arts and Crafts Artists of Serbia and the Board of the Association of Belgrade Architects.

Ružica Sarić
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Ruzica Sarić graduated at Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade. From 1985 to 2008 she worked at the Center for Research and Design (CIP), KONIEL and as a freelance architect. Together with Jovan Sarić, she designed and realized a large number of buildings and interiors, as well as reconstructed and adapted existing facilities, some of which were awarded and published in domestic and international journals.
Their works were exhibited at the number of group exhibitions. They founded the SARDO Architects in 2009. She is a member of the Serbian Association of Architects, Do.co.mo.mo Serbia, the Serbian Chamber of Engineers and editorial staff of professional magazine “Forum”.

Founders and organizers of BINA

The Association of Belgrade Architects
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The Association of Belgrade Architects (ABA) is a non-government, non-profit, organization of scientific workers and professionals in the field of architecture. It was established in 1960. The Association of Belgrade Architects was recognized by the UIA (L’Union Internationale des Architecture).
ABA team: Ivan Rašković, president; Ana Slavinski Glavički, secretary; Emina Stevanović, Aleksandra Marković, administration; Senka Latinović, program coordinator

Cultural Centre of Belgrade
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Cultural Centre of Belgrade was founded as an information and cultural centre in 1957. From its founding until today, the Center is changing in line with social transformation, expanded its fields of activity and actively participates in the presentation and creation of cultural and artistic content and reflection on cultural activities in Serbia and Europe.
CCB team: Aleksandar Ilić, acting director; Zorana Đaković Minniti, program director; Danica Jovović Prodanović, architecture programs

BINA initiative

BINA built

Do.co.mo.mo Serbia
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The organization was founded upon the BINA initiative as a necessary reaction of the guild to the accelerating, almost daily devastation of buildings and complexes that belong to the modern movement in architecture. Do.co.mo.mo Serbia is registered within the Association of Belgrade Architects (ABA) as a national workgroup which ensembles experts, namely architects, conservationists, art and architecture historians who work on modern movement in Serbian architecture and urbanism. Program of the branch work is presented at the 11th Do.co.mo.mo International conference held in Mexico City in August 2010, whereby Do.co.mo.mo Serbia became an equal part of the international workgroup. President of Do.co.mo.mo Serbia is Tanja Damljanović Conley.
photocredit Snežana Ristić

Bina Kabina
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BINA KABINA – “Knock on Wood” is an international project dedicated to sustainable wooden construction and wood architecture, in which architects from Norway, Finland, Denmark and Serbia participated. The pavilion is the product of several student workshops led by Norwegian architect Geir Brendeland partner of Brendeland & Kristoffersen Architect and architect and photographer David Grandorge from London, also a lecturer at The School of Architecture and Spatial Design at London Metropolitan University.
The pavilion was given for use to The Faculty of Fine Arts from Belgrade on the basis of a donation agreement with the Association of Belgrade Architects. It is intended for educational purposes, for the needs of exhibitions, seminars, workshops and other professional activities related to the education of university students. (www.flu.bg.ac.rs).
The Scandinavian Pavilion is the project of the 9th BINA Festival (Belgrade International Architecture Week), which took place from 8th to 22nd of May 2014, at the Belgrade Cultural Center and other locations with the theme Public Spaces (www.bina.rs).
Project curator:
Natasa Zednik, Oslo
Project participants:
Olivera Petrović, Mirjana Utvić, Predrag Milić, Dimitrije Udički, David Bilobrk, Dušan Nikolić, Emilija Josipović, students of the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade
Petra Petanić, Vesna Grabić, Kristina Ivanović, Jelisaveta Zorić, Ena Anastasovska, Vladana Jovanović, Jelena Todorović, students of the Faculty of Art and Design (FUD) Megatrend University
Project coordination:
Predrag Milić, Daša Spasojević
Vladica Drecun, Ivana Jovanović, Marija Kovljanić, Ana Janković, Milica Milunović
BINA team:
Ivan Kucina, Jelena Ivanović Vojvodić, Goran Vojvodić, Ružica Sarić, Danica Jovović Prodanović, Tanja Konli, Darko Marušić, Aleksandra Estela Bjelica Mladenović
Ana Glavički, Aleksandra Počuča (DAB); Mileta Prodanović, Vladimir Veljašević (FLU);
Petokraka; Megaplus; Birovia; Senja Vild.
The Nordic Culture Fund/Nordisk Kulturfond, Denmark
Project donors:
Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Belgrade, FLU; Society of Architects of Belgrade, DAB;
Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia; Secretariat for Culture of the City of Belgrade; Serbian Chamber of Engineers; Embassy of Finland in Belgrade;
Guardian Glass S.A.; Konveks Konkav doo; Tikkurila Zorka doo; IMSA doo; Velux Serbia; MBA Miljković; Dow Coning; ICD Glass doo Belgrade.
Realization time: 2013/2015