Belgrade International Architecture Week
Beogradska Internacionalna Nedelja Arhitekture

BINA networking



Presentation and Round table

Saturday, May 13,  2023, 18.00

→ CCB, Art Gallery, Knez Mihailova 6

LINA is a network that connects prominent actors from the cultural scene with new practitioners and thinkers in architecture. The aim of the network is to steer the architecture sector towards sustainable, circular and clean practices, to link existing efforts into a unified LINA architecture program and highlight new emerging voices, giving them an international platform.

The LINA program is implemented by members of the network: architectural museums, universities, research networks, foundations, triennials, biennials and other high-profile European and Mediterranean architectural organizations. Every year, LINA scholarship holders are given the opportunity to become part of the program, present their work through lectures, workshops, mentorships or other formats of cooperation, helping them to realize their ideas and gain an international audience.

More information about the LINA platform at



Residential program

March, April, May 2023.

The rapid growth of the city, caused by a large population influx as a result of political and social changes in the last thirty years, has led to major changes in the urban fabric of Belgrade. Citizens of the capital city often talk about the threatened identity of the city, problems in functioning, inadequate infrastructure, pollution. In contrast, there are unquestionable qualities, 7,000 years of uninterrupted urban history, the location at the confluence of two large navigable rivers, the overlapping of numerous cultural influences, but also countless demolitions and rebuilding as a consequence of life on the borders, turbulent history and war destruction that repeats itself every 40 – 50 years.

We invited representatives of young creatives to Belgrade to give an insight into the city’s development possibilities from their perspective through various media. Their interests are different, but together they touch on topics that are crucial for the development of any big city. LINA fellows for 2023 are: Francesca Cocchiara and Sergios Striglogiannis (Urban Mitologies), Rebeka Bratož Gornik and  We believe that during their stay they will have the opportunity to get to know the city and to give indications of their vision for its growth.


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