Belgrade International Architecture Week
Beogradska Internacionalna Nedelja Arhitekture

Call for participation on the fifth ZAD exhibition

Call for participation on the fifth ZAD exhibition

Call for participation on The fifth ZAD exhibition 01-03.03.2024. Silosi, Dunavski kej 46, Dorćol, Belgrade Revival is the general theme of this year’s main ŽAD (Women’s Architect Association) event, which will consist of an exhibition of members’...


U toku je žiriranje za EU Mies Award 2024. Od 362 nominovana objekta 7 je iz Srbije.Više o Nagradi, nominovanim objektima i članovima žirija, možete pročitati ovde.
We invite you to SHARE SERBIA 2023

We invite you to SHARE SERBIA 2023

We invite you toSHARE SERBIA 2023, which takes place on Thursday, November 16, at the Metropol Palace Hotel in Belgrade. UNStudio, ZAHA Hadid Architects, Stefano Boeri Architetti, 3LHD and others will participate in the 5th SHARE Forum in Belgrade. SHARE Serbia Forum...
Piranski dani arhitekture

Piranski dani arhitekture

Jedna od najznačajnijih regionalnih arhitektonskih manifestacija Piranski dani arhitekture, koja će se održati 23. i 24. novembra, ove godine slavi 40. rođendan.Sve informacije o programu se u Piranu!
ICAG 2023

ICAG 2023

“1973-2023 (International) Archive of Women in Architecture” was hosted by Faculty of architecture, Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain), October 3 – 6, 2023. The organizing committee was led by Eva Alvarez and Carlos Gomez and was realized  an...

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