Belgrade International Architecture Week
Beogradska Internacionalna Nedelja Arhitekture

The Architecture of Mihajlo Mitrović


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Guides: Dragana Mecanov

Sunday, 14.5. 2023, 10.00-14.00

→ 10.00 Residential building in Gospodar Jovanova 25

This year’s BINA walk dedicated to Mihajlo Mitrović’s architecture (1922–2018) will mention many aspects of the author’s rich personality, and participants will be shown several representative examples of his architecture. From the earliest works such as residential buildings in the streets Gospodar Jovanova, Dositejeva and Braće Jugovića, one can recognize the aspiration towards artistic expression on the facade, but also many other elements in the spatial organization of the buildings themselves. One of his most significant works is also one of the purest examples of Brutalist architecture, the commercial and residential building Genex, protected as a cultural asset. The engagement of artists in the refinement of modern residential architecture in the second half of the 20th century simultaneously represented a re-examination of the principles of modernism – through the reintroduction of sculpture, and dismissing of the approach that a priori rejects artistic details on residential buildings of the post-war period.

In terms of time, the last phase of his work includes the sacral building, the Church of St. Vasilij Ostroški. In a certain sense, it improves the stylistic characteristics of Serbian sacral architecture of the end of the 20th century.

It is essential to mention his great contribution in the field of the written word. He is the author of monographs on architecture “The New Architecture of Belgrade”, “Everything is Architecture” and “At the End of the Century”. He is the winner of numerous awards, including the October Award of the City of Belgrade, the Salon of Architecture, the SAS Grand Award for Architecture, and the Seventh of July Award for Lifetime Achievement.

(This walk does not have organized transportation. Meeting points are given)

→  10.00 Residential building in Gospodar Jovanova 25

→  11.15  In front of the Genex Tower

     Narodnih heroja 41-43, Block 33

→  12.00  Alumil – Show room

      Milutina Milankovića 11b, Block 41

→  13.15 Ispred crkve Sv. Vasilija Ostroškog

     Partizanske avijacije 25, Novi Beograd 

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