Belgrade International Architecture Week
Beogradska Internacionalna Nedelja Arhitekture

Solving the riddle - Tracing hte architecture of Aleksej Brkić


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Guides: Ljiljana Miletić Abramović

Sunday, 28.05.2023, 10.00-14.00

→ 10.00 Terazije 8

Aleksej Brkić (1922, Kikinda – 1999, Belgrade) has an exceptional place in Serbian architecture of the 20th century. The uniqueness of his oeuvre stems from the extraordinary qualities of his complex, introverted personality in which we recognize the model of a Renaissance architect – philosopher, writer, traveler, researcher, mathematician, artist, versatile educated intellectual whose entire work combines theory and practice. From the very beginning of his design practice, in the early fifties of the twentieth century, Brkić created a unique and coherent architectural work with a touch of intellectualism, as a combination of rational and irrational, presenting a new design method and a new architectural philosophy.

The Walk route maps the most significant architectural achievements of Aleksej Brkić and covers a radius from Terazije and Kralja Aleksandra Bulevar, through Slavija to Kalenić Market. It starts with the “Hempra” building (1953–1957) in Terazije. The next destination is a residential building on Kralja Aleksandra Boulevard (1957–1959) and then the Social Security building in Nemanjina Street (1959–1962). At the end of the walk is a high-rise ensemble on the Kalenić market – the Vračar Municipality Building (1959–1962) and two residential towers (1963–1967). In the immediate vicinity there is also the Business Building in Njegoševa Street (1962–1967), the “Božidar Adžija” Cultural Center (1962–1964) and a residential building in Mileševska (1957–1959). Unfortunately, due to the distance, the Gymnasium on Voždovac (1953–1955), also an anthology work by Aleksej Brkić, remains off the walking route.

In the continuation of the walk, the route leads to Zemun, to the Elementary School “Lazar Savatić” (1960-1962) on the Liberation Quay. Architect Danilo Dangubić, winner of the “Aleksej Brkić” award for 2021, awarded by the Association of Architects of Serbia, will talk about his experience during the adaptation of this building and his relationship with Brkić, as the previous author.

→ 10.00 Terazije 8

→ 11.15 Ministry of Social Protection, Nemanjina 30

→ 11.45 Municipality of Vračar, Njegoševa 77

→ 13.30 Elementary school “Lazar Savatić”, Kej oslobođenja 27, Zemun. Guides: Danilo Dangubić

Photo Lj. Miletić Abramović

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