Belgrade International Architecture Week
Beogradska Internacionalna Nedelja Arhitekture

Test post za Networking 01

Test post za Networking 01

Ovo je pocetak sadrzaja. Ovo je pocetak sadrzaja. Ovo je pocetak sadrzaja. Ovo je pocetak sadrzaja. Ovo je pocetak sadrzaja. Ovo je pocetak sadrzaja. Drugi blok sa sadrzajem.
Originally on Nikola Dobrović

Originally on Nikola Dobrović

Student exhibition Saturday,  14.5. 2022., 18.00 Legacy House of  Nikola Koka Janković,Slobode bb, Kragujevac “An architect is a mason who has learned Latin.”Adolf Loos Study exhibition dedicated to the legacy of the architect Nikola Dobrović (1897-1967),...
Architectural Competitions 2021-2022

Architectural Competitions 2021-2022

Curator: Anđela KarabaševićThursday, May 26, 2022, 19.00 Art Gallery,Cultural Center of Belgrade, Knez Mihailova 6 During the last year, the Union of Architects of Serbia and the Association of Belgrade Architects have organized 7 public open architectural...
Reconstruction of the military headquarters

Reconstruction of the military headquarters

Friday, 27.5. 2022, 18.00Knez Mihailova, in front of the SANU Gallery The idea of ​​announcing the competition was created in order to encourage thinking about the future of the complex in the very center of Belgrade. The winning on the competition from 1953, for the...

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