Belgrade International Architecture Week
Beogradska Internacionalna Nedelja Arhitekture

Student competition for the conceptual architectural and urban design of the reconstruction of the buildings of the GENERALŠTAB (DSNO) in Kneza Miloša Street in Belgrade


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Friday, 27.5. 2022, 18.00
Knez Mihailova, in front of the SANU Gallery

The idea of ​​announcing the competition was created in order to encourage thinking about the future of the complex in the very center of Belgrade. The winning on the competition from 1953, for the building of the State Secretariat for National Defense Affairs – DSZPNO, abbreviated DSNO, and today known as the Generalštab, brought Nikola Dobrović the construction of this project, the only realized building in Belgrade. This complex is considered to be his most significant design work, but also one of the best buildings built in the 20th century in this region. The reason for announcing the competition is based on the current state of the Generalštab building (originally the DSNO building) after it was bombed twice by NATO forces in 1999 and after demolition of segments of the building for security reasons, all with the initiative for reconstruction complex in mind after its proclamation as a protected cultural heritage in 2005.

The subject of the competition is the development of the program-spatial solution for the reconstruction. The scope of the competition is designed with a focus on building A, the reconstruction of which is the main topic of the competition, while the program coverage includes consideration through the presentation of the entire complex (building A and building B) of the General Staff as a spatial-architectural whole. The aim of the competition is to affirm the value of the architecture of the General Staff building and draw the attention of the general public to the importance of preserving this cultural heritage, while the initiative stems from the desire of a unique architectural-urbanistic problem.

The exhibition of awarded and all received works of students at the competition will be presented in Knez Mihailova Street in front of the SANU Gallery as part of activities marking the 125th anniversary of the birth of architect Nikola Dobrović, professor at the Faculty of Architecture – University of Belgrade, member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and one of the most important figures of Serbian and Yugoslav architecture, organized by the Faculty of Architecture and the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and in cooperation with the Belgrade International Architecture Week.

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