Belgrade International Architecture Week
Beogradska Internacionalna Nedelja Arhitekture

Triennial of Modernism

Triennial of Modernism

Modernism as an European Phenomenon At the turn of the 20th century many European cities and regions were facing the same situation: Due to industrialisation people from the countryside moved into the more urbanised areas were a growing number of factories settled. As...
Film projection and talkLilly Reich

Film projection and talk
Lilly Reich

Authors: Laura LizondoSevilla, Débora Domingo Calabuig and AvelinaPratGarcíaProduction: FundacióMies van der Rohe, Barcelona, 2022 Conversation after the film: Ivan Blasi, Tanja Damljanović Conley, Dijana Milašinović Marić→ The Culture Centre of Belgrade Movie...

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