337 works from countries participating in Creative Europe programs were submitted to the competition.

337 works from countries participating in Creative Europe programs were submitted to the competition.
Declaration on the Fate of the Belgrade Fair and the General Staff
We invite you to ARHITEKTA FORUM: Next Level, which takes place on May 7th and 8th, 2024 In MTS Hall in Belgrade
Revival is the general theme of this year’s main ŽAD (Women’s Architect Association) event, which will consist of an exhibition of members’ work.
U toku je žiriranje za EU Mies Award 2024. Od 362 nominovana objekta 7 je iz Srbije.Više o Nagradi, nominovanim...
We invite you to SHARE SERBIA 2023, which takes place on Thursday, November 16, at the Metropol Palace Hotel in Belgrade.
Jedna od najznačajnijih regionalnih arhitektonskih manifestacija Piranski dani arhitekture, koja će se održati 23. i...
ICAG 2023: The VI International Conference on Architecture and Gender: “1973-2023 (International) Archive of Women in Architecture”