Festival of Architecture BINA Belgrade

BINA Exibitions 2023

Architecture. Sculpture. Remembrance
The art of the Monuments of Yugoslavia 1945-1991.
This year, through the exhibition The Art of Monuments of Yugoslavia 1945-1991, we will remember some exceptional works and authors, but also the ideas and values on which these works were created. The exhibition that was created in Ljubljana travels through the former Yugoslavia and is supplemented in each republic; it is growing and this year will be enriched with several more monuments from Serbia.
BINA Seminar
Friday, 26.05.2023.
ARCHITECTS-PROJECT-PRACTITIONERS is a series of lectures and presentations for professionals. During the seminar ideas and information in the field of design, use of new and innovative materials and products are shared.
Sign up!
BINA Walks 2023
We are discovering Belgrade in the company of architects, art historians and artists, and sometimes we go further to Valjevo, Kragujevac, Čačak… This year we dedicate the walks to the great architects: Mihailo Mitrović, Bogdan Bogdanović and Aleksej Brkić. Join us…
BINA is part of the European architectural network. BINA encourages the mobility of authors and the exchange of programs, knowledge and experiences. Behind us are numerous national and international exhibitions, conferences and workshops. BINA is a proud member of the European architectural platform LINA.


U toku je žiriranje za EU Mies Award 2024. Od 362 nominovana objekta 7 je iz Srbije.Više o Nagradi, nominovanim objektima i članovima žirija, možete pročitati ovde.

We invite you to SHARE SERBIA 2023
We invite you to SHARE SERBIA 2023, which takes place on Thursday, November 16, at the Metropol Palace Hotel in Belgrade.

Piranski dani arhitekture
Jedna od najznačajnijih regionalnih arhitektonskih manifestacija Piranski dani arhitekture, koja će se održati 23. i 24. novembra, ove godine slavi 40. rođendan.Sve informacije o programu www.pida.si.Vidimo se u Piranu!

ICAG 2023
ICAG 2023: The VI International Conference on Architecture and Gender: “1973-2023 (International) Archive of Women in Architecture”