Belgrade International Architecture Week
Beogradska Internacionalna Nedelja Arhitekture



Otvorene su prijave za studentski Think Green hakaton u oblasti zaštite životne sredine koji će od 13. do 15. aprila biti održan u Naučno-tehnološkom parku Beograd. Ako te interesuje zaštita životne sredine i kako inovacije mogu doprineti održivijem okruženju, voliš...
“Life Hacks” _Mikser competition results

“Life Hacks” _Mikser competition results

The competition for young creatives in the Balkans received a total of 111 works by 125 designers from 9 countries in the region: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Greece, Croatia, Romania, Slovenia, Serbia and Turkey. The international jury of the Mixer...
BINA recommends you : Triplex competition

BINA recommends you : Triplex competition

THINK BRICK is a competition addressing students and young professionals willing to reimagine Jimbolia’s former industrial area, through means, strategies and tactical approaches of all scales that can emphasize to local and regional communities the rich cultural,...

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