Belgrade International Architecture Week
Beogradska Internacionalna Nedelja Arhitekture

Time for Architecture - Architecture and Urbanisam in Valjevo 2010-2019


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Friday 10.06, 18.00
Participants: Milan Maksimović (editor of the publication), Grozdana Šišović, Andrijana Maksimović, and Tijana Mitrović
Moderatorka: Zlata Vuksanović Macura
Artget Gallery, Cultural Center of the Belgrade,
Republic Square 5 / I

This is a book about architecture in a city between what it is, and what we would like it to be. It is an overview of selected and current architectural works built in Valjevo and the Valjevo region in the period from 2010-2019, including realized projects, designs, ground floor designs, and interior designs. The introduction also includes a series of reviews related to the history of architecture and urbanization of Valjevo, while new residential architecture of Valjevo was singled out as a special topic. There is also a separate overview of student works from the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade, which were done on themes to do with the banks of Kolubara in Valjevo and Ribnica in Mionica. The book is a kind of continuation of the editions of the same name that were published by the Association of Valjevo Architects in 2004 and 2010. Publication of this book marked the 25th anniversary of the Association of Valjevo Architects.

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