Belgrade International Architecture Week
Beogradska Internacionalna Nedelja Arhitekture

(RE)CONSTRUCTION: Poster and Dobrović


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Wednesday  1/ 06

BINA Student workshops Participants: Students of the Academy of Technical Applied Studies Belgrade, Belgrade Polytechnic College, Study Programme Graphic Design

Authors: Natalija Đukić, Predrag Maksić, Jelena Drobac, David Tipšin
Organization: Academy of Technical Applied Studies Belgrade and BINA

Student workshop (RE)CONSTRUCTION: Poster and Dobrović is one in a series of activities marking the 125th anniversary of the birth of architect Nikola Dobrović (1897-1967), professor at the Faculty of Architecture – University of Belgrade, full member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, and one of the most important figures of Serbian and Yugoslav architecture. The most significant works of this architect were created in the period of changing the concept of graphic design, typography and advertising in Serbia and worldwide. Dobrović’s contemporaries sought to reconstruct the existing design practice and aesthetics back then, for the needs of market communication. The new postulates were: visual-syntactic disassembly of language, elimination of illustration and decoration, arrangement of texts in blocks, experimentation with colour, technology and material, transnationality of aesthetics, new organization of pages and content, typographic hierarchy.

Workshop (RE)CONSTRUCTION: The poster and Dobrović will inform Graphic Design students of the Academy of Technical Applied Studies Belgrade about the postulates of architecture and aesthetics of Nikola Dobrović. The goal is to encourage the creativity of participants and raise awareness of the historical significance of modern architecture, especially in the context of Dobrović’s work. The workshop programme includes: introductory lecture about the life and work of Nikola Dobrović, and an exhibition of works by the workshop participants, i.e. student posters that will be created supervised by BINA members and teachers of the Academy.

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