7th Belgrade International Architecture Week
19th April – 4th May 2012
By mutual interaction and exchange of nature, city and people, the energy is created, which keeps the city and is necessary for its development. The more complex relationships are, the possibilities of exchanges increase and the city energy enlarges: the city grows and changes. To make progress, the city must, repeatedly, regain the balance between the energy created and energy spent. BINA 2012 joined the quest for new opportunities to improve the city by increasing the energy created by well-balanced exchange of nature, city and people. By creating a platform for exchange the latest knowledge about the city, and by dedicating itself to encouragement of this exchange, BINA 2012 also seeked to increase the city energy and to develop people’s ability to think critically and creatively affect its progress.
Curator: Committee of The Architecture Club, UK
The book Recent British Architecture was the inspiration for this exhibition of 50 years of London architecture, 1960-2010. The aim had been to show the immense range of work completed in London over half a century, during periods of boom – and bust. The range of work on show underlineed the rise of London in the post-war period as a global capital of architecture, a position underpinned by its role as an internationalcentre for architectural education as well as a world financial capital.
Author: Herald Hund
The exhibition combineed photography, architecture models, medium-scale housing blocks and film. Buildings that derive from a different political era and are now largely void of function, were the underlying feature here.
Authors: buro Querkraft, Austria
Querkraft presented projects, their philosophy of architecture and joy of life. The uncommon concept of an exhibition was totally different to conventional architecture presentations. Central element was the bar, which provides not only wine, but also architecture.
Author: Miloš Komlenić
Colaborator: Bojan Zdravković
The exhibition resulted from an almost spontaneous, intuitive reaction to impressions of a trip to Berlin, the city that has become a museum of contemporary architecture. It reflected impressions of a professional architect’s eye and, at the same time, a relaxed experiment with digital technologies.
Curator: Đorđe Stojanović
Participants: Adam Vukmanov, Dragana Čebzan Antić, Igor Pantić, Jelena Vučić, Kristijan Čebzan, Milan Šijaković, Milena Stojković, Milena Stopić i Miloš Dimčić
The exhibition „Postcards from Europe“ was held with two objectives. The first was to indicate the problem in the field of architecture, as well as other professions, related to brain draining. The other exhibition objective was to present eight architects originating from Serbia, but who today work in other countries within professional and academic institutions that have important role on the European architectural scene.
Curator: Mia David, Authors: Mia David, Dorijan Kolundžija, Radivoje Dinulović, Milan Tvrdišić,
Author of the building: Radivoje Dinulović, Ranko Radović, Zorica Savičić, Ištvan Hupko
The selected site, whose morphology is investigated in this work, offers an intriguing narration on the topic set forth by the Prague Quadrennial. The site provides an ideal space for performing arts. This is actually a construction site of yet uncompleted new National Theatre building in Subotica, but also a place on which there are remains of old theater. Interwoven, the remains of old theater and concrete body of the future one coexist in silence. Wrapped in this almost symbolic coexistence, they whisper about the past and about what is to come. Made in the technique of Stereoscopic 3D Video, the work was presented as a walk through the site that consists of two architectures forming a unique space.
Thematic walks through the architecture of the city intended for the widest audience are organized every year in cooperation with various organizations, individuals and institutions. This year’s BINA included ten walks in its program: Belgrade underneath Belgrade – Tašmajdan cave tour and lecture on the secrets of Belgrade, Underground Belgrade Tour, Banks of the Sava river and what connects them, Through the Alleys of the New Cemetery, Belgrade Industrial Heritage, Architecture and Army, Faculties and Libraries of Belgrade, The Building and the Word, I am the Citizen of Belgrade, Lost and Found.
During the seventh BINA festival, a large number of workshops were organized for children, young people and students, on various topics: the construction of BINA cabins of a wooden pavilion, locating NE spaces in the city whose characteristic is the lack of interaction, as well as the non-existent identity and common past that do not represent the identity of the city, then examination of the perception of the city in the minds of children and young people, the relationship between the city and light, examination of the way young people spend their free time in the city area.
A series of lectures by local and international professionals was also organized, which concerned the history of the architectural and urban development of cities such as London and Istanbul, good practices in the planning of cities, settlements, and urban development and efficiency, research into the layers of Belgrade’s architecture, and the promotion of several books and one masterclass and several panel discussions.
Annual Awards for Architecture in the period May 2011 – April 2012
Architecture and urban planning competitions in the period May 2011 – April 2012
Organizers: Association of Belgrade Architects (ABA) and the Union of Architects of Serbia (UAS)