15th Belgrade International Architecture Week
City housing
The year 2020 was marked by the Covid 19 epidemic, uncertainty, fear, postponement of programs, but also finding creative ways to deal with the newly-emerged situation.
This edition of BINA was realized online as an overview of the most interesting BINA topics, events and activities in the past 15 years. The review began with a presenting of the first BINA opening in 2006; presenting the Chilean Architecture exhibition held in 2007; further the SHS Balkan Network exhibition on contemporary architecture in Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia, held in 2008; presenting part of the program from 2010 – the exhibition Models of housing: Experimentation and everyday life held as part of the BINA before BINA program in the Museum of the History of Yugoslavia and the international conference Re_defining post-war residential architecture; the Metahousing project that represented Serbia at the International Showcase of Architecture & Design in 2012 as part of the Culture Olympics; BINA presents London – the exhibition 50 years of London architecture held in 2012; the construction and opening of the BINA pavilion in 2014 – the BINA cabin or the Scandinavian pavilion, which was realized as a result of several student workshops held with students of the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade together with architects from Norway, Finland, Denmark and Serbia; then there was talk about the segment called Greats of Serbian Architecture, which through exhibitions and other accompanying programs actualizes the work of the most important Serbian architects of the 20th century (exhibitions on architects Bogdan Boganović 2011, Nikola Dobrović 2017, Ivan Antić 2018, Aleksandar Stjepanović 2019 were held); the theme of the festival in 2012, Energy of the City, was singled out as the best BINA theme; through BINA International / EU Creative Europe the participation of the festival over the years in international European projects was highlighted (SCCM, Cities of Sharing: Creative Momentum, FAP, Future Architecture Platform, and other numerous international collaborations); the recognitions and awards that the festival has received are highlighted – the Ranko Radović Award in 2008, the City of Belgrade Award in 2011 and the Silver Flake Award of the Festival in Sarajevo in 2013; a list of some of the most important international BINA festival guests has been selected; fifteen BINA catalogs were shown, as valuable materials and documents about movements in the architecture of the beginning of the 21st century; and at the end the BINA statistics monitored during the past 14 editions are presented.
The series of five URBAN TALKS was a new program in 2020 within the Future Architecture platform, which was realized online in direct interaction with the audience.
Platform Future Architecture – EU program CREATIVE EUROPE
Since 2016, BINA has been participating in the European project The Future Architecture Platform, which is part of the Creative Europe program. The activity of all the Platform members, meetings, as well as the presentation of the Future Architecture Rooms’ plans for 2021 is available online on the new platform entitled Future Architecture Rooms, which platform has unified the work of platform members in their respective isolated spaces and made it visible to the wide audience, but also to us, who had been prevented from realizing the programmes in the previously planned manner. Owing to the efforts invested by the coordinators of the Museum for Architecture and Design’s platform, this platform hosted a very successful annual conference and presentation of the 2021 Open Call finalists.
As part of the Platform 2020 program, a series of five URBAN TALKS were organized with the idea of encouraging discussion on topics related to the future of urban settings and architecture and on the basis of inspiring and provocative lectures/talks held by creative artists and professionals who took part in the Future Architecture Platform’s open competition. Facing the new situation, we decided to change the format and organized the programme with selected FA participants online. The talks stayed within the planned topics: contemporary housing, nature in an urban setting, activism in architecture through the prism of global challenges and local responses, spaces for children and creative approaches to the revitalization of cultural heritage – all these programmes, however, touched upon the current situation and the changed living conditions and raised our awareness of the extent to which such or similar situations will be conditioning our way of life and our future attitude to space as a whole. Besides participants in the Future Architecture Platform’s competition, the local creative artists engaged in the same field were called to present the local insight and also as an opportunity to open a possibility of getting to know one another and possibly establishing further cooperation.
The participants in the programme included:
UR 1/ Minimum Dwelling – Maximum Well-Being, 15 May 2020
UR2 / Staged Nature – The Garden of Good Hope or Why We Stare at Animals, 4 September 2020
The programme was realized in cooperation with the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon;
Participants: Enrico Porfido & Claudia Sani, Pais(vi)agem, Barcelona, www.paisviagem.com; Arian Lehner &Theresa Margraf, Mies.tv, Vienna, www.miestv.com; Dalia Dukanac & Hristina Stefanović, The Modern in Belgrade, www.facebook.com/moderniubeogradu;Vuk Marić, Arhinaut Studio, Belgrade www.arhinaut.com; Milja Vuković, NVO Divlji Belgrade www.m.facebook.com/groups/1003820459709026
UR3 / Spaces for Children, 26 September 2020
Participants: Iza Rutkowska, Wroclaw, www.izarutkowska.com; ADA Otvoreno, Stefan Radošević & Luka Višnjić, Belgrade, www.facebook.com/ada.otvoreno; Tatjana Vukosavljević, Kid Hub, Belgrade www.kidhub.rs; Jelena Joksimović, Science Club, Centre for the Promotion of Science www.cpn.edu.rs; Biljana Branković, Archi Play, Belgrade, www.archiplay.rs
UR4 / Global and Local Challenges in Architecture, 6 October 2020
Participants: Sam Turner & Megan Charlney, Architects Climate Action Network (ACAN) London, www.architectscan.org; Vojislav Kavrešan, Isobillboard, Niš, www.facebook.com/izobilbord; Ivan Redi, Niš, RS; Dragana Korica, Green Building Council Serbia, Belgrade, www.serbiagbc.rs
UR5 / Creative Solutions for the Revitalization of Deserted Spaces, 11 October 2020
Participants: Silvia Tagliazucchi, Federica Rocchi – AMIGDALA, Modena www.amigdalaperiferico.wordpress.com; Miljana Zeković & Višnja Žugić – EPHEMERA Kolektiv Novi Sad, www.ephemeracollective.org; Maja Momirov – BAZA, Novi Sad,RS, www.mismobaza.org
All Urban Talks were filmed and are available on the BINA Youtube channel: