11th Belgrade International Architecture Week
5 – 28th May 2016
The borders have been erased, multidiscipline is assumed, climate has changed, time has shrunk, and the number of those who live in cities grows at great rate, bolstered by unexpected migrations. The Future has begun and that is why we are talking about it now… Commited to our fundamental vocation to support thinking about the quality of built environment, criteria and values that contribute to advancment of architectural design, we believe that the choice of topics at this year’s BINA is both current and significant to everyone – not just for architects, experts and fans of architecture.
→ Art gallery and Gallery Podroom, 6 Knez Mihailova St.
The exhibition Energy Spots Belgrade is a part of paneuropean project Future Architecture Platform within co-funding Creative Europe program and it centers around the quickly-developing Belgrade. This exhibition is an attempt to point, on a small scale, to particular spatial and energy spots of the city. According to chosen authors and creative teams, these spots have the potential to point to possible solutions of recognized urban problems which are present in other urban environments as well. Selected authors and teams provide their own vision of a possible production of space of the city in our near future.
Curators: Jelena Ivanović Vojvodić, Danica Jovović Prodanović, Ružica Sarić
Authors: Anja Humljan (Slovenia); Miloš Kosec (Slovenia); Petokraka; S.O.B.A.; Dušan Stojanović & Pavle Stamenović; TIM8 (Ana Dušmanović, Jelena Stanković, Maja Kopta, Jelena Kojić, Mihajlo Sladoje, Nikola Arsić, Stefan Milićević, Tijana Savić)
Contemporary Housing International exhibition
→ RTS Gallery, 10 Takovska St.
International exhibit HOUSING 2015 represented a review of the most significant, topical realization in the field of housing in the country and abroad, in the period from 2010 – 2015. The exhibit was organized by the Department of Housing at the Faculty of Civil engineering, University of Nis. International scientific-artistic committee, which consisted of 14 respected professors and architects from 11 countries, had selected 45 works (from 22 countries spanning over 5 continents) in 3 categories (Realized architectural buildings, Architectural projects and Experiments and research in the field of housing). The primary goal of this manifestation was to show the most recent accomplishments of architectural design in the field of housing in one place, as well as to compare our experience in this field with experiences from abroad.
Curators: Darko Marušić, Aleksandar Keković
→ Podroom Gallery, Trg Republike 5/-1
The exhibition presented the first twenty years of development of the Two Architects studio, through a display of the fourteen most important realizations in the field of residential architecture, and the exhibition was accompanied by a monograph published in cooperation with Oris House of Architecture.
Authors: Tomislav Ćurković and Zoran Zidarić (Croatia)
→ Gallery of Faculty of Fine Arts, 53 Knez Mihailova St.
The objects that were shown at the exhibition are the works of students of the Faculty of Architecture in Graz, which were made within the course “Designing special topics” in the 6th semester of undergraduate studies. The spatial origami structures in the exhibition were generated with the help of the algorithmic editor Grasshopper, which is integrated with the CAD program Rhinoceros. For each project, the students generated an individual algorithm with which they parametrically defined their spatial forms.
Organizer: TU Graz (Austria)
Mentor: Milena Stavrić, Albert Wiltsche
→ Gallery Artget, Trg Republike 5
The exhibition of photographs by Željko Mandić was dominated by urban landscapes without people, which had an apocalyptic undertone. Dilapidated and abandoned buildings, which are silent witnesses of a society in transition, are embraced by nature that changes the structure of concrete and bricks. The photographs also speak of the carelessness of a society, apathy and mindlessness of a time in which the past is not preserved and respected.
→ Children Cultural Center of Belgrade, 8 Takovska St. and Faculty of Fine Arts, Sculptural Department, 58 Vojvode Putnika St.
During the Museum Night two exhibitions were opened, which were the result of children’s and student’s workshops. In the Children’s Cultural Center, an exhibition of children’s works created during the workshop The Builders of Belgrade: The School of the Future, whose authors and coordinators were Milena Zindović and Katarina Aleksić, was opened. Exhibition The Shades of Space was opened at the Faculty of Fine Arts, where the works created at the student workshop of the author and coordinator Milena Koridić were exhibited.
Thematic walks through the architecture of the city intended for the widest audience are organized every year in cooperation with various organizations, individuals and institutions. This year’s BINA has included eleven walks in its program: Čubura – Neimar: from the Outskirts to Elite District, Banks of the Sava River and What Connects Them – DOCOMOMO boat ride, New Belgrade – block 21 – 50th Anniversary, the Palace of the Federal Executive Council in New Belgrade – “Srbija” Palace, Kosančićev venac to Terazije – Heritage buildings built by young architects, Old Fairground, Sava center and Hotel Intercontinental (Crown Plaza), Parisian Lady opposite of Kalemegdan Park: Artists’ building in Pariska 14, Women in Architecture between 1900 – 1960, Sava Slope – Preservation of the historical silhouette, Along the Alleys of the New Cemetery.
Architects/Designers/Practitioners is a series of lectures for professionals dedicated to improving and advancing knowledge in connecting architecture and the latest technical-technological and innovative products and materials. The lectures aim to upgrade professional architectural, design and practical experiences, as well as to find sustainable solutions that are oriented towards the future of architecture. This year’s seminar was held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel.
Participants / lecturers: Dejan Milanović and Grozdana Šišović (re:a.c.t), D.A. Dizajn
Introducing the platform
The Future Architecture Platform is the first pan-European platform within the Creative Europe program, which brought together museums, festivals and producers of cultural events with the intention of promoting the work of architects, curators and researchers, representatives of the generation that is just entering the scene and bringing ideas about the future of cities and architecture to a wide audience. The Belgrade International Architecture Week devotes most of its program to topics related to the state and development of the city of Belgrade, and is part of the platform together with: MAO | Museum of Architecture and Design (Ljubljana); ORIS House of Architecture (Zagreb); the Swiss Museum of Architecture (Basel); by the House of Architecture (Graz); Triennale of Architecture from Lisbon, MAXXI – National Museum for XXI Century Art (Rome), Architecture Week (Tirana), Architecture Festival (Copenhagen), Architecture Week (Pristina) and CANaction (Kiev).
Annual Awards for Architecture in the period May 2015 – April 2016
Architecture and urban planning competitions in the period May 2015 – April 2016
Organizers: Association of Belgrade Architects (ABA) and the Union of Architects of Serbia (UAS)
During the eleventh BINA festival, a large number of workshops for children, young people and students, round tables, lectures, panel discussions and seminars were organized on the topic of residential architecture past and present through domestic and international examples and experiences, the development of common urban space in a post-socialist city, challenges architectural profession and the current position of architects, and about the status and future that awaits young professionals.