Belgrade International Architecture Week
Beogradska Internacionalna Nedelja Arhitekture

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12th Belgrade International Architecture Week


27th April – 25th May 2017

The name of this year’s event, the Ideas Yards, originated from the concept of a European project in which BINA and its eleven partners will participate over the next 4 years – Shared Cities: Creative Momentum – which is based on the concept of a “yard” that is, basically a common, public space in which ideas about the city and urban spaces arise and are shared to suit the users. By creating ideas and programs in public urban spaces, social innovations are encouraged from creative sectors, which include the participatory processes of urban design.



→ Art Gallery, 6 Knez Mihailova St.

The studio exhibition dedicated to the legacy of the architectural work of Nikola Dobrović (1897-1967) was created in an experimental, collaborative process of research and design in the workshops “Architectural Drawing” and “Exhibition of Architectural Drawing”, which were held with students and young architects from Serbia, Croatia and Switzerland. led by Nemanja Zimonjić in cooperation with Josip Jerković, i.e. Milica Lopičić with the consulting participation of Ljiljana Blagojević and the BINA team: Ružice Sarić, Danice Jovović Prodanović and Jelena Ivanović Vojvodić. Starting with the presentation of the ideas and initial concepts of the participants at the preparatory meeting in December 2016, after the introductory lectures “On architectural drawing” by Nemanja Zimonjić and “On the architecture of Nikola Dobrović” by Ljiljana Blagojević, in the first workshop the participants explored two Dobrović houses on the island through a project and a drawing Lopud in Croatia: villa “Vesna” (project 1937; built 1939) and the unrealized project of his holiday home from 1965. In the workshop that followed, the participants were engaged in examining the exhibition space, the concept, the setting and the technical aspects of the exhibition. The final drawings shown in the exhibition were further developed with regular consultations with the workshop managers.
Workshop participants and authors of works at the exhibition are:
Aleksandra Bašić, Valentin Billhardt,Milena Buhvalder, Kaj Birer, Turi Colque, Lucio Krinjola, Tihomir Dičić, Andrea Đorđević, Caspar Grützner, stefan Ilić, Jelena Ivanović, Irena Ivović, Sara Jeveričić, Nikola Kašić, Jelena Kojić, Jovana Kovačević, Piet Kretschmer, Marina Krčalić, Jana Kulić, Danica Lečić, Mladen Milinović, Johanna Nagel, Mila Nedić, Christopher Neuwirth, Luka Nikolić, Milica Nikolić, Marija Marić, Mirjam Marti, Aleksandra Mitković, Max Obermark, Milan Ostojić, Maja Peruničić, Aleks Šmid, Morten Schrötgens, Uroš Stojadinović, Julijan Vekerlin i Lisanne Wingels.

Along with the exhibition, on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the death of this architect, a series of lectures, panel discussions, seminars, workshops for adults and children and walks were organized, with the aim of providing additional insight and deepening knowledge about the achievements of the architect Dobrović, his influence and architectural and urban planning legacy, and the need for the protection and restoration of his most important achievement in Serbia – the Military Headquarters.

→ Museum of the City of Belgrade

The exhibition includes three national architectural competitions conducted in order to obtain a solution for the new building of the Museum of the City of Belgrade. The museum was founded in 1903 and for more than a century the issue of the building for its permanent accommodation has been open. The answer was sought many times and in different ways, including three architectural competitions in which 88 author teams participated. The original competition works and the course of realization of all three competitions for the building of the Museum of the City of Belgrade were presented at the exhibition.
Authors: Zlata Vuksanović Macura and Angelina Banković
Organizers: Museum of the City of Belgrade and BINA

→ Museum of the City of Belgrade

The Museum of the City of Belgrade has existed without its own building for 115 years. Therefore, the museum’s treasures are mostly hidden from the eyes of visitors. At this exhibition, through digital media, the most representative, beautiful and valuable objects kept in the Museum, which will one day be exhibited in its permanent exhibition, were displayed. The story of the history of Belgrade from prehistory to modern times is briefly told through five units.
Authors: Angelina Banković, Dragana Stojić and Zlata Vuksanović Macura
Organizers: Museum of the City of Belgrade and BINA

SMALL UTOPIAS – Italian architecture of the third millennium between history, research and innovation
→ Italian Institute for Culture

The works of ten Italian teams of architects were presented at the exhibition. Without taking into account any generational criteria, the selection focused on the most innovative practices and those that best embody the identity of Italian architecture today.
Curator: Pippo Ciorra, Rome
Organized by: Museum MAXXI, Rome; Italian Institute for Culture, Belgrade and BINA


→ Urban Institute of Belgrade

The exhibition resulted from a Euroregional competition organized by the Association of Architects of Romania, as part of the Biennale of Architecture BETA in Timişoara in 2016, with the aim of supporting and promoting various forms and types of architectural expression. Based on contextual similarities, the competition was divided into 16 categories and dealt with cooperation within a single Euroregion.
Exhibition coordinator: Alexandra-Maria Rigler, Timisoara


→ Science and Technology Gallery of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts

The exhibition Universal objects by Tatjana Vujinović Kušej was realized as part of the second edition of the Art & Science program, organized by the Center for the Promotion of Science, as part of the large EU project European Network of Digital Art and Science. The co-organizers of the exhibition were the Gallery of Science and Technology SANU and the Ultramono Institute from Ljubljana. Park 1, Park 2 and Garden are computer works, which take place in real time, based and built in a computer game environment. The works are filled with animistic and anthropomorphic data and are prepared for contemplative play. They belong to the cycle Universal objects and, similar to other works from that cycle, they are made from excavations and interventions in the material infrastructure of the digital.


Thematic walks through the architecture of the city intended for the widest audience are organized every year in cooperation with various organizations, individuals and institutions. This year’s BINA included twelve walks in its program: Following the footsteps of Ottoman-Serbian Belgrade, Belgrade – The Western Gate, The banks of the Sava river and what connects them – DOCOMOMO boat ride, Along the alleys of the New Cemetery, Paths of architectural destruction, Architecture and memory: Jewish heritage in Belgrade, Women in architecture between 1900 and 1960, and BINA open house walks: Radio Belgrade, Tour of the Museum of Contemporary Art construction site, The Parisian Lady across Kalemegrad: a building for painters in Pariska Street 14, Palace of the Federal Executive Council in New Belgrade – “Serbia” Palace, Embassy of the Czech Republic.



Architects/Designers/Practitioners is a series of lectures for professionals dedicated to improving and advancing knowledge in connecting architecture and the latest technical-technological and innovative products and materials. The lectures aim to upgrade professional architectural, design and practical experiences, as well as to find sustainable solutions that are oriented towards the future of architecture. This year’s seminar was held at the Holiday Inn Hotel.
Participants / lecturers: Guardian, Tarkett, Xella, Dva:Studio, Eurodom,Tikurila, Knauf, GIR


The Future Architecture Platform is the first pan-European platform within the Creative Europe program that brought together museums, festivals and producers of cultural events with the intention of bringing ideas about the future of cities and architecture closer to a wide audience. The Belgrade International Week of Architecture devotes most of its program to topics related to the state and development of the city of Belgrade. One of the important topics of the further development of the city this year was the topic of the development of peripheral municipalities, their connection with the center, their specificities, potentials, but also existing problems. The Conference Suburbs of Belgrade – Imagine the Future as part of the European project Future Architecture Platform (FA) was organized with the intention of presenting ideas for the future development of these suburban territories or solving existing pressing problems, taking into account the condition and heterogeneity of the purposes of the surrounding municipalities of Belgrade. the interpretation of the representatives of the generation of European architects who are entering the professional scene and who will be its actors in the future.
Participants: Milica Joksić, Belgrade; Manuel Enriquez, Lisbon; Cesar Reyes Najera, Barcelona; Pipo Cora, Rome; Ina Valkanova, Sara Lušić Alavanja, Plovdiv; Sebastian Ernst, Berlin; Judith Vendrame, Eindhoven; Dimitris Grozopoulos, Effi Kasimati, London; Studio NO, Wroclaw; Association of Cultural Territory, Warsaw; Florian Nidvorok, Stans bai Schwaz; Predrag Milić, Belgrade; NGO In Akt, Belgrade; NGO Belgrade flower festival, Belgrade.


SCCM is a four-year cultural program within the Creative Europe program jointly launched by partners from 7 cities in Central and Southeastern Europe – from Berlin, Prague, Bratislava, Katowice, Warsaw, Budapest and Belgrade. SCCM is an international network for the development of creative discourse that emerges from the intersection of architecture, art, urbanism and the sharing economy in order to contribute to the transformation of urban spaces. Public gatherings and creative exchanges of participants of the SCCM program through which the joint program framework was realized were held in IDEAS YARDS organized in 6 cities – in Berlin, Prague, Bratislava, Katowice, Budapest and Belgrade (through the BINA event). Partner organizations, through cooperation with the BINA team, held workshops, lectures, discussions while proposing new methods for developing participatory processes that are foreseen by the SCCM program. That public “courtyard” also acted as a place for interaction between representatives of parterre organizations and the local public. This year, as part of the accompanying program, a series of workshops for elementary, high school and university students was organized.
Participants: Milota Sidorova, Prague; Osamu Okamura, Prague; Miodrag Kuč and Matthian Einhoff, Berlin; Adam Kobrizsa and Szilvia Zsargó, Budapest; Peter Stec, Bratislava; Hanna Kostrzewska, Katowice; Faculty of Arts and Design, “John Naisbitt” University, Belgrade; Park Keepers, Belgrade
Introduction: Branislav Popović, Belgrade
Key note: Miodrag Mitrašinović, New York
Moderators: Ružica Sarić and Ivan Kucina


Annual Awards for Architecture in the period May 2016 – April 2017
Architecture and urban planning competitions in the period May 2016 – April 2017
Organizers: Association of Belgrade Architects (ABA) and the Union of Architects of Serbia (UAS)

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